
Welcome friends!
We are Nate and Marion, and we are Romancing The States!
We are a very happily married couple, living full time in our 35' Class A Winnebago Itasca Sunrise motor home, enjoying our lives together, and making memories as we travel the United States of America, all the while, sharing our adventures with you via live streams, morning shows, videos, and vlogs, on our four YouTube channels.
How we
got here
is a story
all in it's

Neither of us had any idea the other existed, but God had already begun working on His plan for us. We were both recently divorced, medical professionals, with a desire to see the world. Nate left his nursing career in 2011, followed by Marion in 2017, each to pursue the freedom of self employment.

...to 2017. Nate was now operating a full time eBay store, as well as a skateboarding company, and had successfully built a YouTube channel documenting his weight loss, using skateboarding as exercise, alongside a low carb lifestyle.

Likewise, Marion
was enjoying retirement,
expanding her knowledge of
Melaleuca, with her daughter, Christina, and
running her own YouTube channel, which centered around
unboxing monthly clothing and make-up subscriptions, and cooking low carb meals for her keto lifestyle.

Around this same time, as Nate was searching YouTube for low carb recipes, and similar weight loss channels, he discovered and subscribed to Marion's channel, as she was posting keto cooking videos. Following a few typical YouTube comments, Marion naturally subscribed back, and left a few comments of her own, on Nate's videos. Through this communication, we learned of each other's interest in travel, that Marion's son, Patrick was already living full time in his RV, and that Nate had been planning a future of full time travel, which began as just a loose plan to build a camper van, and over the years grew to a plan to buy and remodel and older RV, as well as the fact that Nate lived in Ohio, and Marion in Louisiana.

Little did we know, we had experienced a brush with fate. Over the next few years, Marion began traveling a few months at a time, with her son Patrick, in his RV.
Patrick and Nate became friends, as he also
was documenting his travels on YouTube, as
Paddy Wagon Travels. And in November of
2019, Nate bought his own RV, and began
the process of cleaning, remodeling, and
preparing for life on the road.


As the year 2020 arrived, and came to prove itself a horrible disaster that couldn't end quick enough, it also proved to be full of unexpected blessings. Nate had torn his acl, ending both his skateboarding company and the related youtube channel, but resulted in dedication to a new channel, That Nate Guy on YouTube, which now is nearing 150,000 subs ,100 million views, and an adequate income that provides the freedom to travel full time. As Covid took over the globe and we were all forced to socially distance and stay inside, Nate was able to dedicate to finishing the preparations on the RV, in order to go full time and leave Ohio just as the winter weather was setting in. Nate also lost someone very dear to his heart during this time, but we respectfully choose to keep those details private. In October 2020, after living alone in the RV for just over a month, Nate finished emptying his sticks and bricks home, moved into the RV, and officially hit the road to travel full time, but not before taking...

On October 31st, 2020, after spending the first month living in the RV,
Nate posted a new video to YouTube. It had became apparent that
the experience of living in an RV and traveling full time, was something
he did not want to do alone. Leaving everyone, and everything behind,
to fulfill this dream, was physically and emotionally exhausting, and
everything that should have been enjoyable about it, was being
consumed by feelings of guilt and loneliness. at 7am on the chilly last
morning at Tappan Lake, Nate sat down outside with his coffee, said a
prayer, and proceeded to film a video, asking Marion if she would consider meeting in person, getting to know each other on a more personal level, and possibly traveling the country together.

While Nate finished the final stages of moving completely out of his home and into the RV, packing and organizing for the maiden voyage from Ohio to Texas, Marion was 1200 miles away, in Breaux Bridge Louisiana, watching him pour his heart out to her on YouTube, and making her own video in response.

With the world watching and waiting, Nate left Ohio
traveling ten hours a day, boondocking at Cracker Barrel in Kentucky and Arkansas, and stopping to visit his son in Texas, before landing at Poche's RV Park in Louisiana, less than 5 miles from Marion's front door. The next morning, with hearts racing, we met in person, and by the end of the day we knew our lives had just taken a hairpin turn going 80 miles per hour.
We spent the next two days
planning and preparing, and
in a simple, beautiful backyard

ceremony, early afternoon Sunday October 18th, 2020, we were joined in Holy matrimony, under the direction of Pastor Timothy Dzindzio.