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  • marionlarose1945

I was debating with myself as to whether I would write this and if so how would I do it.

Where would I start, so here we go. A few days ago I posted something I saw on FB

and reposted it. I'm not a political arguer, I have my point of view and nothing you say

will change that. I have acquaintances on both sides of the political isle and we do

exchange words occasionally, but nothing mean or accusatory, until that post. An acquaintance(used to be friend)called me a racist and that I should go and "reflect"

because of what I said. The thing is, I never said it, I just agreed with it and reposted it.

Maybe that's the same thing, so part of what was posted was about Kamala and her ethnicity

is she Indian or is she black and something about her being entitled because of it. Apparently she is both. Awhile back, I think it was around 2016

she used her Indian heritage to help gain a position of power but now she is referring to

herself as black because that seems more beneficial to her party. I didn't say it, it's

all over the internet I'm just re writing it, so I'm racist, which I am not! I'm not asking anyone for a debate, I just needed to get this off my chest once and for all. I was hurt that this person would actually call me this but I'm now realizing she was not a friend at all.

When Kamala went into the US senate, Associated Press (AP)stated she was the first Indian American US Senator. Now she's running nationally they're talking about her father's heritage and her black identity(their words, not mine) Rep. Byron Donalds FL, ABC News

Digressing from above I want to share my thoughts and beliefs on why I am choosing

Donald Trump over Kamala Harris for our next president. Our country/policies were broken long before Donald Trump. What the democrats did to him the whole time he was in office was awful and he still made this country better than ever, and, I might add he never took a salary. That's mind blowing right there! Trump is a business man and he has run and will again run this country like a business. Trump is not a career politician, he's a billionaire and didn't get that way by being in politics or by being our President. He's in it because he loves the USA and he's going to get us out of the mess the Biden administration has gotten us into.

I watched both Trumps and Kamala's rally's in Georgia. All Kamala did was bash Trump, no policies were discussed, nothing about securing the border, nothing about inflation. Oh, wait she did say if she was elected, grocery prices and gas prices would come down, but why wait, do it now!! 19.2 % inflation, something Kamala takes very seriously but does nothing to lower it.

The news now is about Kamala's husband how he cheated in his first marriage, I'm like, who cares? If I was voting on the democrat ticket that would have no bearing on my vote. Similarly Trumps past has no bearing on my vote. Everyone has a past, people change!

One of my acquaintances on the other side of the aisle is worried about Social Security and she thinks I should be too, I'm not.

"No tax on Social Security, no tax on tips. There is waste, fraud and abuse in our government in that department and it's getting fixed" D. Trump

With Trump back in the White House we will be energy dominant, revitalize the US auto industry, jobs will be brought back to the USA

I appreciate comments as long as they're are kind. I will not debate anyone with a different view than mine but I will respect your opinion, it will not change mine.

God Bless You all and God Bless the USA!

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  • marionlarose1945

Today is Monday and the day our ladies come to do the heavy lifting(cleaning)

yes, Nate would do it but why should he, he works hard enough so I got the

"girls". After they left I was looking for something to listen to on my phone,

something I usually do as I take my shower. I came across a pastor that was

at my previous church, Our Saviors in Lafayette, La. His name is Pastor Tim Dilena

and he is one of the top ten preachers, in my book! He is now at Times Square Church

in NYC. His topic was "A Warning to the Church That is Becoming a Den of Thieves".

He told this story, that was told to him by a global leader from Teen Challenge about a young, alcohol addicted, homeless woman in Prague, Czech Republic and how she was looking for a place to sleep on a very cold night she ended up climbing into a dumpster.

When she woke up the next morning there was a crack in the top, it didn't shut completely

and the sunlight began to come into the dumpster and she saw these pages, they were

pages from the book "The Cross and The Switchblade" by David Wilkerson, hand written in her language! (David Wilkerson is the founder of Teen Challenge) She stayed in that dumpster and read the whole book. She felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit and got saved, right there!! Two weeks later she was walking along and looked up and sees a building that says "Teen Challenge", she says "That's the

place from the book", walks in and tells them the story on how God met her in a dumpster!

Don't ever count God out! He can meet us in a dumpster, He can meet us in a church, He is not limited!!God can work miracles wherever you are today!!

I hope if you are reading this today and you feel far away from God, guess who moved?

certainly not God, it's you, me, us, we are the ones who move, God is always there to meet us where we are, to forgive us when we ask. Maybe you know someone who is struggling today and needs to hear this message, please share with them. God Bless You


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  • marionlarose1945

Nathan's mom and I took a trip to Amish Country,

Sugar Creek this past weekend, compliments

of my dear husband. He had a Halloween thing

his son, Nathan and him were doing at our house and I

preferred to do something else.

During this overnight trip, we stopped at some

lovely stores and also spent the night at the

Carlisle Inn and was entertained with a concert

"Exile" a band doing songs from the 80's, which

we both really enjoyed!

We explored a lot of the stores around and Nathan's

mom gifted me with this devotional. Nathan and I

were using Joel Osteen's devotional and both felt it

was time for an upgrade so this devotional was

a blessing for sure.

Today's devotional was called

"Friends For The Journey". As most of you

know we recently lost a very dear and close

friend so this one in particular, spoke volumes.

This devotion referred to The Pilgrims Progress, by John Bunyan,

a book I have not yet read that uses allegories to describe the journey.

Bunyan's allegory of the believer's struggle through

life on the way toward heaven poignantly illustrates

the difficult journey we face. But the indispensable

lesson of faith and hope through the Christian's traveling

companions reminds believers of another truth: we need

friends along life's path to pick us up when we fall, encouraging

us to keep on keeping on.

Do you have such a friend? They say(whoever "they" are)that we

are blessed if we have two good friends in life. I'm especially

blessed because I can truly say my husband is my best friend, my

daughter is my best friend and Ruth Ann was my best friend.

"Two are better than one......For if they fall, one will

lift up his companion". Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

"A man of many companions may come to ruin,

but there is one who sticks closer than a brother".

Proverbs 18:24

No burden is too great to carry with the heavenly

promise of our Lord(John 14:1-2)and encouraging

friends who help turn our despair into joy and our doubt into

a stronger faith and hope. Look around your path today.

There is probably someone not to far from you who needs

your encouragement.

*A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down".

Arnold H. Glasgow

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