Wow, it's been a long time and I'm really sorry about that. A lot has happened since I wrote the last blog. So, after Big Fish in the fictitious town of Spectre we headed back to Louisiana to pick up some things, say hello to relatives and drop off some things. We then headed out to Alvin, Texas to say hello to Blaine and Darrian and meet the new baby, they call her "The Bean" but her name is actually Eliana.

San Antonio was the next stop in Texas, there we had the RV wrapped with the logo "Romancing The States". That took about a week to transpire so we decided to stay in a hotel in San Antonio. While in that area we took a walk on the River Walk, it was a very long walk, about 2 miles but so worth it, we were whipped by the end of that one! At night time the River Walk is all lite up so of course we had to take the boat ride and it was so serene and beautiful, with all the lights, people on the patio's having dinner, just beautiful. We had dinner on the Walk as well, a great Mexican restaurant, delicious food and great service.
We visited the Alamo, which was in walking distance of the hotel we were staying in(the name escapes me at the moment).

After picking up the RV, newly wrapped with our Romancing The States logo on, we travelled next to New Mexico. We spent a month there, and in that time we visit the Carlsbad Caverns, which were 750 feet underground! It was a beautiful sight and again, a lot of walking but totally worth every minute! We visited Shakespeare Ghost Town in Lordsburg, NM, where we were able to stay overnight compliments of Harvest Hosts(for free). From there we went to High Chaparral RV park and spent about a month there. For all these sights, Nate made videos, so please visit Romancing The States on YouTube.
From New Mexico we headed to Arizona, on the road we saw many beautiful sights among which was the Painted Desert, which truly looks like a paint brush went through and painted all beautiful pastel colors in the desert. We made a reservation at Cottonwood RV Park per my friends Min and Jim Robinson who have been staying there throughout the winter.
While in Arizona we went to the Grand Canyon, rode the train and had a great time that day.
All these adventures are also recorded on video, if you want to see details go to Romancing The States on YouTube.

What happened next was not so great and I'm not sure how this all happened but I will give the best rendition I can, it's all still a mystery to both Nathan and myself. While in the hotel when visiting the Canyon, we noticed a rash developing on my back, it really wasn't bothering me at the time so we kind of ignored it but by the time we got back to our campsite the rash had spread all over the trunk of my body, under my arms and starting down my thighs. We went to a "Quick Care" and was told it was "rash of unknown origin" and gave me a Medrol Dose Pack. Long story short, I got a terrible reaction from the dose pack, headaches and nausea. In the meantime Nathan starts feeling sick and starts running a temp of 102, so here we are both down for the count, it took two weeks for us to finally get feeling better.
On the upside when we started to feel normal again we found this area in Waddell, Az, where you could climb 300 stairs to the top of Victory Mountain where the view was spectacular. On the day we went it was very windy and cool, I started the climb with Nate and only made it half way, I sat on the steps and enjoyed the view from where I was, watched the people come and go. Some actually made these steps their exercise for the day going up and down several times.
Nate made it to the top and I believe he made a video of this too. A few days before leaving the Arizona desert we were able to spend some good time with Jim and Min having lunch at the Angry Crab, a good day was had by all!

From Arizona we travelled to Joshua Tree, Ca where we stayed for 2 nights on BLM(Bureau of Land Management)boondocking. The days were pretty decent but it did get quite warm. The night sky was spectacular, we had an app on the phone that showed us what was right above us, we saw the Big Dipper and many more constellations which I can't remember off hand.
Stay tuned for the next blog(I hope it won't take me as long as this one did)!
Nevada, Las Vegas, Reno, California(again) and Oregon!!!